Wood Pigeon Call Download

New Zealand pigeon

Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae (Gmelin, 1789)

Wood Pigeon Call Download

The UK's largest and commonest pigeon, the woodpigeon is largely grey with a white neck patch and white wing patches, clearly visible in flight. Although shy in the countryside it can be tame and approachable in towns and cities. Its cooing call is a familiar sound in woodlands as is the loud clatter of its wings when it flies away. Worth the Challenge. Wood pigeon are one of the most challenging birds to shoot I did not really appreciate the decoying skills required to bring them in and the split second decision needed to let the bird come into a firing line, I've compiled a selection of hunts in the UK and Dove hunting in a variety of countries to suit all persons pockets.

New Zealand status: Endemic

Conservation status: Not Threatened

Other names: kererū, kereru, kukupa, kuku, wood pigeon, native pigeon, kokopa

New Zealand pigeon. Adult perched in tree. Wanganui, August 2008. Image © Ormond Torr by Ormond Torr

This large and distinctively-coloured pigeon is a familiar sight to many New Zealanders. This is because the New Zealand pigeon (or kereru) has a widespread distribution through the country, being present in extensive tracts of native forest, and rural and urban habitats, including most cities. As well as allowing close approach, it often roosts conspicuously, such as on powerlines or on the tops of trees. The distinctive sound of its wing beats in flight also draws attention. Kereru also frequently feature on works of art, such as paintings and sculptures. However, even though it is widespread, like many forest birds its abundance is severely compromised by introduced mammals, particularly possums, stoats and ship rats. Only where these pests are not present (predator-free islands) or are controlled to low levels do kereru populations thrive.


Although there is some individual variation, in general the upper parts of adult kereru are blue-green, with a purple-bronze iridescence on the neck, mantle and coverts of the wings. The underparts are white with a sharp demarcation between the white and blue-green on the upper breast. The bill colouration is quite variable, from uniformly red, but often having a paler red or even orangey tip, and feet and eyes crimson. Fledglings and juveniles have duller plumage, and often the white chest is smudgy white-grey, and the demarcation between dark and white feathering is ragged and may have a narrow border of cinnamon wash over the upper white feathers.

Voice: kereru are generally silent except for occasional ‘oos’. Brief, moderate volume ‘oos’ are given when alarmed, such as a harrier flying close by, and longer, low volume ‘oooooos’, with a rising tone towards the end given as contact calls, often repeated several times.

There is no other species in New Zealand that looks similar to the New Zealand pigeon, apart from the Chatham Island pigeon, which is confined to the Chatham Islands.

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Kereru are widespread through the country from Northland to Stewart Island, and on some offshore islands that have suitable forest / shrubland habitats.


Kereru inhabit a wide variety of forest types: podocarp-broadleaf forest, beech forest, second growth native forest regenerating after logging, small forest remnants, and exotic plantations (especially those with an understorey and/or stream-sides of native shrubs and trees). They also occur in farmland shelterbelts, urban parks, and rural and suburban gardens.


Kereru are widespread through the country, and are seasonally common at some locations where they gather in moderate-sized feeding flocks (20-50 birds, and rarely over 100).

Threats and conservation

Although a major issue for conservation of the kereru in the early 1900s, habitat loss probably has little impact on regional populations today. The main threat to kereru is predation by introduced mammalian predators, particularly feral cats, possums, stoats and ship rats, especially when nesting. Other mortality factors include collisions with fast moving vehicles, overhead power and telephone wires and windows, electrocution when perched on some power poles, and illegal hunting. Where pest populations are removed (offshore islands, exclusion fenced areas) or controlled to very low levels kereru populations have increased markedly.

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Kereru have been recorded breeding in all months, but most eggs are laid in September-April. Pigeons in native forest have been recorded not breeding when little or no fruit was available. The nest is a platform of dead twigs, and a single egg is laid. In general, females incubate from late afternoon until mid-morning, when the male takes over. The chick is brooded constantly until it is about 10 days old and well covered with feathers. From then until fledging at about 35-40 days of age, it is left alone by day, with the occasional brief visit by a parent to feed it. When fruit is readily available, pairs are able to have overlapping nesting attempts; a large chick in one nest and an egg being incubated in another. Pairs that have failed nesting attempts (due to predators, poor nest construction or a storm) often re-nest within a week or two.

Behaviour and ecology

During the non-breeding season, kereru can be fairly inconspicuous, feeding and then roosting under a thick canopy for sometimes hours at a time. In the breeding season, they can be just the opposite, perching on top of trees and males giving frequent display flights at the start of a nesting cycle. While not a territorial species, an individual will defend a food tree against other pigeons attempting to feed in it too. Fights involve hitting each other with their wings while flapping about in flight and moving only a metre or two.

While some individuals can spend weeks or months living within an area of a few hectares, such periods can be interspersed with long-distance flights to reach seasonal food sources. For example, one satellite-tagged Southland pigeon travelled at least 480 km during a 100-day period, involving four crossings of Foveaux Strait. A few tagged pigeons in Taranaki flew up to 60 km to reach autumn fruit sources. Thus the species is able to travel between suburbia, remnant forest patches, extensive tracts of native forest and other habitats in their quest for seasonally available foods. Combined with the kereru’s large size (and hence large mouth-width) and diet of fruit, these landscape-scale movements make kereru the most important vector for the transfer of seeds between widely-spaced fragments of native forest.


Foods include buds, leaves, flowers and fruit from a wide variety species, both native and exotic. In addition, they have been seen feeding on the fruiting bodies of the parasitic strawberry fungus Cyttaria gunnii found in beech forest. While most foods are taken while clambering about on vines, shrubs and trees, at a few locations kereru spend time on the ground feeding on clover and possibly other herbs. While ripe fruit seems to be the preferred food, in most regions fruit is not available year round, and so kereru then feed on leaves. Important leaf sources include those of kowhai, tree lucerne, broom, willows, elms and poplars.


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Project Kereru http://www.projectkereru.org.nz/

Kereru Awhina Project http://www.kereru.org.nz

Kereru Taonga PowerPoint presentation http://www.slideserve.com/oro/kereru-he-taonga-tuku-iho

Known to many as the 'grey grouse', the wood pigeon is usually shot in one of two forms - pigeon flighting or roost shooting. Flighting involves decoying pigeons into a pattern on a field of crop, using fieldcraft. Download My Gamepigeon PC for free at BrowserCam. LibertyApp published the My Gamepigeon App for Android operating system mobile devices, but it is possible to download and install My Gamepigeon for PC or Computer. Have fun with your friends by playing a collection of excellent two-player games! GamePigeon is an iMessage extension which features following games: 8-Ball Poker Sea Battle Anagrams Gomoku More games. You can play the new online game Pigeon Hit Squad (Nobel Peace Prize Pending). Available for both iOS and Android devices, Pigeon Hit Squad provides players with a safe legal way to settle a score. When game pigeon came out it was only available to the iOS users or iPhone users, but a lot of people who use android eagerly anticipated that gamepigeon for android. It’s very important too that we note. Is game pigeon available on samsung.


Clout, M. 1990. The kereru and its forests. Birds International 2: 11-19.

Clout, M.N.; Karl, B.J.; Pierce, R.J.; Robertson, H.A. 1995. Breeding and survival of New Zealand pigeons Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae. Ibis 137: 264-271.

Emeny, M.T.; Powlesland, R.G.; Henderson, I.M.; Fordham, R.A. 2009. Feeding ecology of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in podocarp-hardwood forest, Whirinaki Forest Park, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 33: 114-124.

Heather, B.D.; Robertson, H.A. 2005. The field guide to the birds of New Zealand. Viking, Auckland.

Higgins, P.J.; Davies, S.J.J.F. (Eds.) 1996. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds. Vol. 3, snipe to pigeons. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Powlesland, R.; Miskelly, C.; Innes, J. 2008. City slickers. Forest & Bird 330: 36-38.

Powlesland, R.G.; Moran, L.R.; Wotton, D.M. 2011. Satellite tracking of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in Southland, New Zealand: impacts, movements and home range. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 229-235.

Robertson, C.J.R.; Hyvonen, P.; Fraser, M.J.; Pickard, C.R. 2007. Atlas of bird distribution in New Zealand, 1999-2004. Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Wellington.

Thorsen, M.; Innes, J.; Nugent, G.; Prime, K. 2004. Parental care and growth rates of New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) nestlings. Notornis 51: 136-140.

Recommended citation

Powlesland, R.G. 2013 [updated 2017]. New Zealand pigeon. In Miskelly, C.M. (ed.) New Zealand Birds Online.www.nzbirdsonline.org.nz

New Zealand pigeon

Social structure
Breeding season
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
Nest type
raised platform
Nest description
Platform of twigs with shallow centre.
Nest height (mean)
5 m
Nest height (min)
1.8 m
Nest height (max)
20 m
Maximum number of successful broods
Clutch size (mean)
Clutch size (min)
Clutch size (max)
Mean egg dimensions (length)

Wood Pigeon Call Download Free

48.3 mm
Mean egg dimensions (width)
32.9 mm
Egg colour

Wood Pigeons For Sale

Egg laying dates
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
Interval between eggs in a clutch
Not applicable days
Incubation behaviour
Incubation length (mean)
Incubation length (min)
27 days
Incubation length (max)
30 days
Nestling type
Nestling period (mean)
Nestling period (min)
30 days
Nestling period (max)
45 days
Age at fledging (mean)
Age at fledging (min)
30 days
Age at fledging (max)
45 days
Age at independence (mean)
Age at first breeding (typical)
Maximum longevity
21 years
Maximum dispersal

Rock Pigeon Call

For thousands of years, pigeons have been performing many functional tasks for humans. They differ in forms and colors. And not only are they beautiful creatures but also possess some great skills. Since they easily adapt to all kinds of environment, they can certainly be kept in areas with dense population. They can be tamed and can live in small spaces. They do not smell, make very less noise and are inexpensive when it comes to caretaking.
Pigeons are loving creatures and are usually a monogamous lot. They mate for life and live life in pair. The mating process usually occurs as an organized ritual. Once the pair goes through the courting stage and mate, they start to build a nest and make cushion-like squabs using feathers. The pair remains faithful to each other for their entire life or until some external element separates them. If either of the mates dies, the other one will mate again with another single pigeon. Usually long distance does not affect the bond between two birds unless there is some influence from an unmated pigeon around it.
In general each pair of pigeons have two nests. The pigeons usually lay two or more than two pair’s offspring’s and two nests are a sufficient space to care for each offspring. The nests are eleven to twelve inches in length. Usually the nest is made out of hay or straws but tobacco stems are best as they prevent the nest from insects.
Pigeons have unique mating habits. Once the male pigeon has singled out his interest for a certain female pigeon, it begins to show off. It coos in specific ways to entice the female partner, it starts an arrogant gait to interest the other one and tries to show off its manly features. If interested, the female becomes friendly with the male thus giving an invitation to mate. The pair then selects a place to make a nest and build a nest together. Once the nest is built, the pair mates and prepare themselves for the birth of their brood. When the female lays the egg, it sits on the egg for more than 24 hours after which the male takes its mate's place on the eggs so that its partner can eat and rest.
Their offspring’s grow quickly so the parents continuously have to provide nourishment. They feed their young ones with 'pigeon milk' that secretes from the parents' gullets and later on the nourishment comes in the form of partially digested food eaten by the parents.
In some unfortunate cases, pigeons might be barren or infertile so they may not be able to produce young ones. In this situation the pair must be separated so they can find new mates and resolve their infertility issue.
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