Why Can't I Send Game Pigeon

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Information to include when reporting a bird band

The more information you can provide when recording information from a banded bird, the more likely the individual bird can be identified or marking project determined. Taking a photograph of the bird or bird band can improve accuracy of reporting. Do not try to capture birds or remove bands and markers from live birds.

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Information to include:

  • number sequence on the metal band
  • other markers (if applicable) such as neck collar, wing tag, web tag, colour band, leg flag, geolocator (including alphanumeric code, colour and location of each marker)
  • species, sex and age of the bird (if known)
  • how the band number was obtained (bird watching, shot, found dead, injured, or trapped)
  • condition of the bird (alive, dead, in captivity)
  • date the band number was obtained and exact location
  • any other information (behaviour, other birds, time of day, etc.)
  • if you are unsure of any bands or did not see all parts of both legs clearly, indicate this in the report
  • your name, address, telephone number and email address

Why Can't I Send Game Pigeons


Sometimes band numbers are difficult to read because of wear. You can try etching the band by flattening it, covering it with a piece of paper and using a pencil to rub the lead over the band. This will often reveal even hard to read numbers. Otherwise, please send the bird band to our office for further analysis.

Certificate of appreciation


After your information has been submitted, you will receive a certificate of appreciation by email which will tell you the species of bird, where and when it was banded, its age, whether it was male or female, and who banded it. We will tell the bander where and when the bird or band was found and its condition.

Reporting banded pigeons

Pigeons are not banded as part of the North American Bird Banding Program. Racing pigeons are banded and raced in clubs throughout Canada and the world for sport. If you find a banded pigeon, it is likely a racing pigeon that has become lost or tired.

Generally, pigeon bands have letters representing their racing association:

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  • CU: Canadian Racing Pigeon Union Inc.
  • AU: American Racing Pigeon Union
  • CFPA or FS: Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Association
  • IF: International Federation
  • NPA: National Pigeon Association

Please contact the appropriate pigeon association and they can put you in touch with the owner