The Pigeon Game Documentary

Based on a true story, the film opens with a Jewish man waiting nervously for the train to Grenoble, in France's unoccupied zone. As he checks his forged papers, we sense that this may be his only chance for escape. The man watches as two young boys taunt a small bird on the station platform.

So much for keeping the blog up to date.


Well the film is finally finished, and the MA complete.

The editing process started out as a bit of a nightmare. I had so much footage it was hard to know where to start and how to put the piece together. I ended up transcribing most of the interviews and from there identified the recurring themes which helped to form a basic structure for the piece.

Pigeon Games Free

Once I’d worked out the structure it all started to fall into place and I really enjoyed the editing process. Taking into consideration the limitations I had – relatively basic equipment (in particular, no zoom lens) and no real budget, I’m pretty pleased with the end result. I just hope it can help me get a job!

Here it is: Rewilding Scotland. Constructive comments will be gratefully received.

So much for keeping the blog up to date.

The Pigeon Game Documentary Free

Well the film is finally finished, and the MA complete.

The editing process started out as a bit of a nightmare. I had so much footage it was hard to know where to start and how to put the piece together. I ended up transcribing most of the interviews and from there identified the recurring themes which helped to form a basic structure for the piece.

The Pigeon Game Documentary On Tv


The Pigeon Game Documentary Ken Burns

Once I’d worked out the structure it all started to fall into place and I really enjoyed the editing process. Taking into consideration the limitations I had – relatively basic equipment (in particular, no zoom lens) and no real budget, I’m pretty pleased with the end result. I just hope it can help me get a job!

The Pigeon Game Documentary National Geographic

Here it is: Rewilding Scotland. Constructive comments will be gratefully received.