Stool Pigeon 2 Game Download

In case you missed the first article, you can read it here: Sharks Lagoon Stool Pigeon Walkthrough (Part 1). As we mentioned earlier, Stool Pigeon is the latest game on their website, and it’s collaboration with Jimmy-John, hence the different graphics and the two main characters Samantha and Amanda.

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Thanks to our readers, we finally managed to discover the secret word and you can find it here: Stool Pigeon Hint Word. We will now give you the walkthrough, but it won’t make sense to describe each and every scene, because most of them are really easy and intuitive. If you do get stuck, just click on multiple places until you see that “target” cursor disappearing. Then you know that’s the right place to click again, or click and drag.

We’ll look just at the crucial scenes; the ones where you need to make the right choice otherwise you lose the game. Part 2 begins with the two beautiful cops starting their undercover work at the company of Rocco Malone, which is really being managed by Freddy and Aldo.


After Amanda pretends to be a new waitress and takes care of Rocco, the railing on the terrace breaks and he almost falls down. Actually he will fall if you don’t do something about it and the game will end. What you need to do is click on his male genitalia and hold him so he doesn’t fall down. Then he will begin to cry and Amanda will realize that he is not a real gangsta.

Then, Amanda tries to seduce Freddy and she starts by doing a quick video. Things are really simple at first and you will enjoy this scene. However, there is a small break between the naughty scenes, where Amanda looks at his phone which is blocked. The password to unlock the phone is “mylene”. You need to write “mylene” in the box, and then click on the phone to enter the password. If you press Enter, nothing happens.

When he gets back, you need to quickly throw the phone away by clicking on it. After she says “someone’s coming” click the phone and drag it towards the left side of the screen, towards the sofa. Then a male model comes in and another hot scene takes place. This is how the second part ends, and the walkthrough for the third part will be coming soon!

A stool pigeon is a person who might be a criminal or a spy sent in by the police to act as an informant.
'Hey keep your mouths shut around this new prisoner; he might be a stool pigeon!'
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A wonderful time when somebody breaks into your house and eats your cookies, whilst replacing the food with presents. <3
'Look! It's Christmas! I wonder if the happychubby dude left me any presents!!'
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50 cent is a stool pigeon. he snitched on Hova.
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A person who can be otherwise known as a Rat, Nark, or Tattle Tail. He/She suffer's the unfortunate proclivity towards debasing him/herself by engaging in sociatal suicide.
by Mathew Cunningham August 02, 2003
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A nice way of saying, or calling someone a ShitBird. Usually used in regards to those that are dirty in any manner imaginable.

Stool Pigeon 2 Game Download Torrent

by Detmurds April 03, 2009
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safari guide: at 4 o' clock we can see a wild stool pigeon, a fine specimen indeed! and there is the father who appears to be shitting out one after the other.

Stool Pigeon 2 Game Downloads

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Brent: Thomas really did that because they told him to and that it would be okay.
Mark: Man, what a stool pigeon.
Brent: Indeed. Wish he would have consulted with me prior. I would have told him that did not sound right.
Mark: Right...
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  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
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