Pigeon Games Word Hunt

NEW GAME: Word Bites - Word games: after the game is over, you can now view all possible words you could have made. Word games: updated dictionary now allows for words with over 8 letters. Darts: new custom dart skins - Bug Fixes If you notice any bugs - please let.

Pigeon Games Word Hunt

For those of you who don’t know, GamePigeon is a trending game/app that you can play with your friends through iMessages. It is an app you download, but it actually doesn’t appear on your home screen. Most of their games are only 2-players, and you just sent them back and fourth. The two games I’m first going to introduce are Anagrams and Word Hunt. They are the only two word games I believe. Anagram is a 60 second game, where you are given 5 letters and you combine them to make words. You try to make as many words as you can and the more letter that word has, the more points you get. Word hunt is a 80-seconds.

Pigeon Games Word Hunt

Pigeon Games Word Hunt Clues

The trick for both of these games is to just make any combinations that make sense. Especially for the anagrams, while I’m playing them, I don’t even think about if it’s a word or not, as long as it has a vowel, I try it.