Pigeon Dating Sim Game

How The Pigeon Is Making A Video Game Comeback. Join Chastity and Kallie as they run through a fun Pigeon Dating Simulator. Feb 15, 2017 9:35pm. Invitation To Love - PAX Aus 2016.

Pigeon dating sim games

[ImageLibrary##335214/Any##Title¬Nude Men##Description¬Okosan won't be defined by your social clothing constructs!##Credit¬©

Mediatonic / Devolver Digital]

Pigeon Dating Simulator

Pigeon dating sim

Ignore the tsunami of video game hype about to rush out of E3 -- no matter what Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo have to offer, nothing will compare to the flight of fancy that is Hatoful Boyfriend. After all, will Halo 5 let you pursue romance with pigeons?

Pigeon Dating Sim Games


Developer Mediatonic is releasing an upgraded version of the world's first, best, and only pigeon-centric dating sim for PC and Mac. Hatoful Boyfriend -- a pun on 'heartful' and Hato Moa, the developer -- is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a Japanese game.

Pigeon Dating Sim

It's a brilliantly absurd visual novel, where you play the only human student at St PigeoNation Academy, an elite school for birds.