How To Play Game Pigeon With Yourself

20 Questions is a great game to play when you have some time to kill. Check out this video and learn the basic rules of the game. 20 Questions is perfect whether you are in the car, a waiting room or anywhere else and feeling a bit bored.

Getting a group together to play board games is not only a hassle, it can be downright impossible -- and oftentimes discouraging. So for us lone gamers, here are a few top-notch board games we can play when our friends ditch us for a LAN party.

5. Arkham Horror

For any fan of H.P. Lovecraft, this game will scratch that itch for Cthulhu awesomeness.

The game is set in Arkham City during the 1930's, where gates are opening to other realms, unleashing madness and chaos upon the world. And now it's up to a randomly-selected team of heroes to go up against a randomly-selected Great Old One for some random ass dice roll fun.

Dice rolls are the core of the game -- and most times you'll be losing, which is what you should expect from any Lovecraft game. Arkham Horror tells great stories, and does so in both amazing and painful ways -- mostly painful, because the game is hard. It's complicated and convoluted and crazy, and that's what makes it such a fun and memorable game.

In play time it easily clock in at 2-3 hours for the average loner. It's sister game, Eldritch Horror is another good pick, but Arkham has the stronger theme of the two, and it really pulls you into the dark streets of its city.

4. Ghost Stories

Complicated yet sleek, Ghost Stories is probably one of the best solo games you will find.

Playing as a group of Taoist monks, you will attempt to exorcise Ghosts that are trying to destroy the village -- and stop the incarnation of Wu-Feng from destroying the world. There is a lot to learn in the game, from QI points to Tao tokens to Ying Yang tokens to ghost abilities to Taoist abilities...and the list just drones on. But once you get all this down, it really flows quickly and can clock in at about and hour -- even less for a solo game.

Hands down, the artwork is some of the most energetic, flowing, and vibrant you will find in a board game, and is honestly worth a buy solely for that. But beyond that, Ghost Stories is tactical and challenging, and with a theme to die for.

3. Mage Knight

Dive into the world of magic, exploration, and a shit ton of rules to remember. Mage Knighthas all this in spades, and is a fun ride to boot. Taking place in the world of Mage Knight, this game has some fun exploration elements mixed with strategy drafting and battles. It has one heckuva learning curve, but if you're going to be playing alone, why not make the most of it?

The game has you build your strength with leveling and card-drafting, which can make it a lengthy game on a good day. The exploration phase in the game has you diving head long into dungeons running over fields, taking over territory and fighting for every piece you claim. It's a slow burn which forces you to think, and think damned hard.

But for anyone looking for a complicated fantasy theme, Mage Knight is probably the game for you.

2. Onirim

This game is short, fast, and the theme is unique -- almost beautiful in nature. Onirimcaptures the essence of dreams in cards. You are trying escape a dream realm while searching for keys and doors.

Essentially a match three game, Onirim has you combining cards to create said doors -- and then using keys to open them. But beware, the Nightmares are everywhere in the game, and they won't make life easy for you.

Onirim is small, quick and easy to learn -- and to play. Game-time is no more than 15 minutes at the most. It's something to do while waiting, or just to have some fun, and it really is a lot of fun.

1. Kingdom Death: Monster

And the mother of all solo games -- Kingdom Death: Monster is probably the biggest, heaviest and most awesome game on this list.

A story-driven game based on Kingdom Death, the game offers choices, RPG elements, characters, leveling up and epic gear -- it's the D&D game for people with no D&D.

Essentially this is three games in one: hunting, fighting and building. Each 'phase' has different rules and gameplay, so every campaign you attempt will work out a lot differently. You can craft gear, create villages and duel epic monsters all through one game. And like D&D, the campaign is ongoing.

The monster miniatures are beyond epic, and the board is dark, gritty -- though maybe a little dull -- and fits into the theme well. With eight full monsters to battle -- each with unique cards and abilities -- and more expansions already underway, Kindgom Death: Monster is the best game for any solo player to own.

At least next time you're ditched for a girl, movie, or outing, you'll have a few games to pick from that will let you have a blast all by your lonesome.

Which loner games do you guys recommend that weren't on the list? If you're more of an eSports person, you can also check out our top eSports games for single players.


How To Play Game Pigeon With Yourself Play


Bingo Baker makes it easy to conduct your next bingo game entirely online. Here's how:

Step 0: Join Bingo Baker

This is optional but recommended (as the owner of Bingo Baker, I'm a little biased). A membership gives you a nice dashboard to keep track of your games, privacy control (so your game doesn't end up in search engines) and unlimited image uploads. It's only $24.95 for a lifetime membership. Sign up here.

Step 1: Create Your Bingo Card From Scratch or Find an Existing One

You can create a bingo card using Bingo Baker's simple bingo card creation tool.

Or you can try to find a bingo card that meets your criteria. If you find a perfect one, great! If you need to make some changes to it, you can clone it, and modify your clone. You may want to clone it anyway even if you aren't going to change it. This will add it to your account, and it will prevent anyone from changing the card (except you of course).


Step 2: Distribute the 'Play Online' URL

After you have created or located your game, you'll notice the right side of the page has a big Play Online heading. In that section you'll see the URL that lets your players generate a card.

Copy that URL, and distribute it to your players however you see fit. Use email, instant messengers, put it on your website, send it via carrier pigeon. It doesn't matter.

The page at that URL allows your players to generate their own unique bingo card. If you're curious how it works, just go to the URL yourself in a web browser, and you'll see what your players will see.

Member Benefits: 1) Bingo Baker Members can customize the text displayed on the play online page. 2) Members can use Bingo Baker to email cards directly to players. 3) Members can prompt players to enter their name (or other identifier) before getting a card. 4) Members can 'lock' the game to prevent players from generating more cards.

If your game is going to last multiple days, make sure your players bookmark their bingo card, or email their card URL to themselves so they can get back to it. Bingo Baker has a little menu on the bottom right of the card page your players can use to print or email their card to themselves. Bingo Baker will remember which items they marked on their card.

Step 3: Call Items

After all your players have generated their card, you can start announcing items one-by-one. Bingo Baker provides a call list for you (available on your bingo page), or you can call the items yourself by pulling them out of a hat. Just vocally call out the item.

If you're not physically in the same room as your players, you can 'call' the items via email, instant messenger, carrier pigeon, etc. It doesn't matter. Bingo Baker doesn't handle that part.

Step 4: Verify a Bingo

When a player announces that they have a bingo, you can inspect their card and verify that they have a bingo based on the items you've called. If you're not in the same physical space as your players, you can have your player send you their card URL (using the menu at the bottom-right corner of the card). Or you can lookup their card directly in the BingoBaker 'View Cards' area (this feature is only available to members).

Bingo Baker doesn't automatically alert you of a bingo because there are so many different ways to play bingo (you could be looking for a 'normal' bingo, blackout, 4 corners, a specific shape or something else). And part of the fun of bingo is that players have to be paying attention to know when they got a bingo.

Member Benefits: Bingo Bakers members can quickly verify a bingo by looking up a player's card. Even better, if you use the built-in call list, Bingo Baker will automatically 'gray-out' any squares that the player marked which were not actually called.

How To Play Game Pigeon With Yourself To Play


How To Play Game Pigeon With Yourself Games

Non-members of Bingo Baker: If you're worried about cheaters generating multiple cards, require each player to email their card URL before you start calling items. If they get a bingo, you can verify it yourself using the URL. Bingo Baker Members don't have this problem, since they can lock the creation of new cards, view all the cards in play (in real-time) and see the date and time a card was created.