How To Delete Game Pigeon Facebook

Once you're sick to death of harvesting peas, roughing it on the frontier or dodging bullets from rival drug gangs, it is possible to delete games from Facebook. Games are a type of app, so you can use this same information to get rid of any other apps you no longer need.

Pigeon is the new way to get your news fix. Every new tab will present you with a gorgeous picture and a quote/headline from a source of your choosing. When something catches your eye, hit check it out and off and away! You are reading in on this sweet sweet article. Let Pigeon take your new tab game to the next level. Click the gear symbol at the top right of any page. Select the “Account Settings” option. In the column on the left hand side, select the “Apps” option. Select the “X” to the right of any game or app to remove it.

Click in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & Privacy Settings. Click Apps and Websites in the left menu. Click the box next to the apps or games you'd like to remove.

This step-by-step guide will help you retire from farming or allow you to give up a life of crime:


How To Delete Game Pigeon Facebook

How To Delete Game Pigeon Facebook Messenger

How To Delete Game Pigeon Facebook


  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click on the 'account' tab at the top right of the page.
  3. Select 'privacy settings' from the list on the left.
  4. At the bottom of the page, under 'apps and Web sites,' choose 'edit your settings.'
  5. On the 'choose your privacy settings' page, click the 'edit settings' box that corresponds with 'apps you use.'
  6. Once the list of apps you use comes up, click the X to the right of the game you wish to remove.
  7. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the game.
  8. Once you confirm, the game will no longer appear on your profile or apps page and will not have access to your information.
How To Delete Game Pigeon Facebook

Maybe you still enjoy your life on the frontier but are tired of people asking for your help with their gang wars? There are a couple of ways to keep game notifications from showing up on your Facebook page. The easiest method is to hide them.

Next time a posting from a game shows up your wall that you don't ever want to see again, follow these steps:

Uninstall Game Pigeon

  1. Click the X next to the post on your home page.
  2. Select 'Hide all … '.
  3. This will keep all notifications from that game, app or person -- if you want to hide someone -- from showing up on your home page.

How To Download Game Pigeon On Mac

So now you know how to delete games, but were they ever a good idea to begin with? On the next page, we'll explore the security of Facebook games and apps.