Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball

The GameDuell fairness guarantee

Although 'house rules' vary, this version of 8 Ball Pool uses WPA rules. Solids and stripes are assigned to players based on the first ball potted after the break. The player who potted the ball is assigned that type. The gameplay of 8 ball pool is based on solid balls and stripe balls, the lower numbered balls will be solid (1-7) and the higher numbered balls will be stripe (9-15). The black 8 ball does not belong to any specif player on the table, the player that pockets their sets off first gets to pocket the 8 ball. The Object of the Game The object is pretty simple. Sink your balls to get to the 8 ball, then pocket the 8 ball to win. One player is solids (balls 1-7) and the other is stripes (9-15).

  • Equal starting conditions. Both players get the same sets, cards or levels.
  • Fair matching. You can only play against opponents that have a similar skill-level.
  • Free selection of opponents. It's you who chooses whom you want to play with.
Read more about Fair-play at GameDuell

Game rules 8-Ball Pool

Aim of the game

Pot all of the balls of your color (solids or stripes) and finally pot the black 8 ball in order to win the game.


At the start of the game, the break will determine who goes first. In order to decide this, both players hit the white ball against the cushion at the right-hand side of the screen (the bottom cushion) and aim to finish with the white ball as close to the cushion at the left-hand side (the top cushion) as possible. The player whose ball stops closest to the top cushion wins the break and starts the game.

In duels with more than one round, the player who lost the previous round gets to break in the new round.

The white cue ball can be placed anywhere in the left third of the table for the break.

If at least one ball is potted during the break, the player continues. Each player continues playing as long as he continues potting balls of his colour.

Pay particular attention to the information in the message box. You receive information in this box regarding the current standings.

If at least one ball is potted during the break, the player continues. Each player continues playing as long as he continues potting balls of his color.


1. Aiming

At all times you can see two direction indicators. One of these shows which direction the ball which you hit will go in. The other indicator shows roughly which direction the white ball will go in after colliding with the other ball.

The 'ghost ball' is there to help you aim. This shows where the white ball will connect. In order to place the ghost ball, there are two options:

  1. Move the cue by clicking and holding the left mouse button down until the ghost ball is in the desired position.
  2. Click on the place where you would like to place the ghost ball.
  3. Move the 'ghost ball' by holding down the mouse button and moving it to the desired position.

Of course you can combine all of the techniques. Firstly, click roughly near the ball which you would like to hit and then move the queue to the correct position.

2. Fine adjustment

Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard in order to adjust the direction of the shot more finely.

3. Shot power

You can set the power as you wish. Click the shot power box in the desired position. Alternatively you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to increase or decrease the power.

The shot power will be reset to a medium pace after each shot.

Tip: The shot power does not increase at a constant rate. This means that when setting a low shot power, smaller increments are possible.

4. Spin

Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball

Use spin in order to influence the direction of the white ball after collision. In order to add spin, move the red point by dragging it to the desired position or simply by clicking directly on the desired position.

The results of the spin depend on several factors, such as the shot power and the distance between the white ball and the ball which is hit. In general, the following applies:

  • The further towards the edge that you hit the white ball, the larger the effect of the spin.
  • If the white ball is hit on the top (top spin), it continues rolling forward after the collision. The distance in which the ball will rebound off the ball it hits is reduced.
  • If you hit the white ball on the bottom (back spin), the distance in which the ball will rebound is greater. The white ball stops quicker, stops or may even roll backwards.
  • The further the ball which you wish to hit is away, the less the effect of the spin.

A comprehensive explanation of the effects of spin is not possible here. Experiment in different situations with different amounts of spin in order to get a feeling for how much spin is required in each situation.

Spin, however, does not affect the direction of the ball which is hit.

5. Shooting

Once you are happy with your settings, take your shot. To do this, press either the 'space bar' or the 'Enter' key on your keyboard or click on the 'Shoot' button.

Ball in hand

Normally you take your shot with the balls as they are on the table when it's your turn. If your opponent has committed a foul, for example by potting the white ball, however, then you receive ball in hand.

Ball in hand means that the white ball can be placed anywhere on the table. There are no restrictions, as with 'bar pool' (such as playing the white ball over the center line), except when a foul is committed on the break.

In order to place the white ball, drag the ball to the correct position by clicking and holding the left mouse button. You can also change the position once you have let go of the ball.

Shot time (and game time)

For each shot you have a limited amount of time. The clock begins counting down as soon as it's your turn. If you do not take a shot before the time runs out, your shot will be counted as a foul. Your opponent will receive ball in hand.

If you exceed the allotted time twice in a row or more than three times in total, you lose the game!

Current Scores

Click on this button in the grey bar at the top of the screen in order to see the current game standings.

Controls and Rules

Click on this button in the grey bar at the top of the screen in order to get an overview of the instructions and the most important rules.


You can send your opponent a message with the chat button.

There are three options when sending a message:

  • Smilies or Emoticons (A picture says a thousand words)
  • Standard answers (Your opponent receives this message in their own language. This is particularly useful if you speak a different language to that of your opponent).
  • Free text. Simply enter a message and send this by pressing the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.


GameDuell's 8-ball billiards is predominantly based on the official 8-ball rules of the DBU (German Billiards Union).

The game is therefore not played according to pub rules but rather in accordance with the professional rules.

The following terms will be used for the following:

  • Stripes = the striped balls 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
  • Solids = the colored balls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Color = Solid or Stripe
  • White = the white ball which must be struck using the cue
  • Pocket = the six holes in the corners and in the middle of the long cushions

1. Choice of ball color

After breaking, the table is always 'open', i.e. it remains undecided who is 'solids' and who is 'stripes'. The decision is made after the first ball is potted.

2. Conditions for valid shots and fouls

At least one of the following requirements must be fulfilled for a valid shot:

  • You pot a ball of your color (solid or stripe) and the white remains on the table (A foul occurs if the white is potted > the opponent receives ball in hand)
  • A ball of your color must be hit first (A foul occurs if an opponent's ball is hit first > the opponent receives ball in hand)
  • If no ball is potted, the white or another cue ball must hit one of the cushions after the collision (A foul occurs if no balls hit one of the cushions > the opponent receives ball in hand)

3. Play the black 8 ball

  • If the black is potted on the break, it is placed back on the table.
  • As long as the table is 'open', i.e. the color has not yet been decided, the black ball can be hit first, e.g. in order to pot another ball.
  • Once it has been decided who is solids and who is stripes, the 8 ball cannot be the first ball played. If this happens, however, this is a foul and the opponent receives ball in hand.
  • If the 8 ball is mistakenly potted before the conditions for this have been fulfilled, the game is lost.
  • The 8 ball can only be played and potted once all balls of your color have been potted. It is also not possible to pot the last ball of your color and the black ball in the same shot. This also results in the game being lost.
  • The 8 ball is the only ball which must be 'declared'. This means that the pocket in which the 8 ball should be pocketed must be clicked before the shot. If the black ball is potted into another pocket, the game is lost.

4. Ball in hand

  • If the white is potted on the break, the opponent gets ball in hand (in the left third of the table). A ball which is not in the top third of the table must be played first.
  • For all other fouls, ball in hand means that the white ball can be placed anywhere on the whole table.

Summary of the rules

Here are the most important differentiations from the standard rules for 'bar pool':

  • The table is 'open' even if a ball is potted on the break. Who is solids and who is stripes is only decided once the first ball is purposefully potted.
  • If no ball is potted, the white ball or another ball must hit a cushion after the collision.
  • Ball in hand means a free choice of position on the whole table apart from when the foul was committed on the break.
  • The black 8 ball can be potted anywhere, however, it must be declared beforehand.
  • Potting one of your opponent's balls is not a foul as long as a permitted shot was played (playing your own ball first).

Pool is an 8-ball variation of the Pool game, which is played on a 6-pocket pool table with a full rack of 15 balls & a cue ball. Your aim is to pocket all your 7 colored balls assigned to you (either Solids or Stripes) and then ultimately pocket the 8 ball before your opponent.

A recent addition to MPL, Pool is only available in battle mode. This game has become one of the most popular 1vs1 battle games in a short time. So rack ‘em up and get ready to prove your skills against other players at this game of 8-ball.

Since it is based on an actual sport, therefore pool is categorized into the Sports genre. Continue reading to know the rules in detail and also learn some tricks that can help you win the battles and win more money on MPL.

Table Of Contents

Rules & Game Elements

The rules of Pool on MPL follow all the original rules of the 8-ball pool game. This game can only be played in battle mode. Both players take turns one by one and try to pocket all their assigned balls followed by the 8-ball. The player who legally pockets the 8-ball after pocketing all his/her colored balls wins the game.

Table: You are provided with a standard virtual pool table with six pockets; one at every corner (corner pockets) and in the middle of each long side of the table (side pockets or middle pockets).

Cue Stick: A cue stick is provided which you can drag to move and take the aim.

Balls: You are provided with 15 Numbered Balls (Solids and Stripes) and black 8-ball. Along with this you have the white Cue ball.

Game beginning setup: Once the game begins you are provided with a professionally set up rack of the balls (in the form of a triangle) at the opposite end of the head spot where the cue ball is put. The 8 Ball is placed in the center of the triangle.

Break: One player is assigned to break the rack by aiming at it with the cue stick. Try and knock the cue ball into the triangle of balls with utmost precision and full force. If the player is unable to break within the given time then the opponent gets a chance to do so.

Assigning Solids & Stripes: You will be assigned either the Stripes or the Solids based on the ball that is pocketed on any turn after the break. When the player who breaks the rack, pockets a colored ball in the same hit, he/she gets another turn to decide the assignment of solids and stripes. If he/she is not able to pocket a ball the opponent gets a chance to do so and decide solids/stripes assignment. If the opponent is able to pocket a ball without foul, then whichever ball (stripes or solids) is pocketed first is assigned to them.

Turns: This game is played in turns where the person who breaks the rack goes first. If he/she pockets the ball in the same hit then the same player continues to play until he/she misses pocketing a ball or makes a foul.

Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball Results

Pocketing Balls: After the assignment of solids and stripes, the player needs to pocket the same kind of balls, not doing so will result in a foul. Pocketing the cue ball will not only make you miss the turn but also give the opponent the opportunity to take the cue ball in hand and place it wherever she/he wants. Please note that the 8-ball can be pocketed only after you have pocketed all the assigned balls; doing otherwise will be a foul.

How to Play Pool

Start Battle : In your MPL app select Battles and then select Pool. After that you can select the desired Battle Room, pay the required fees and Play!

Game Play/Controls :

As mentioned earlier, you have to drag the cue stick to move and aim at the balls. Try to get a precise angle and proper force while breaking the rack so as to pocket a ball in the very first go. In this way the Solid and Stripes assignment would be done and you would continue to play. Failing to pocket a ball in the first hit will give the opponent a chance.

Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball Pool

While taking a shot make sure that the angle of the cue stick is correct and you have got a perfect aim. Depending upon the distance between the cue ball and aimed ball and also the distance between the aimed ball and the desired pocket will decide the speed. Using the force control properly is the key here. Spin control is something which you should use wisely and only when needed; you can move the strike point on the cue ball to spin.

Once the assignment of the balls is done then begins your actual play. You will continue to play as long as you keep on pocketing the assigned balls. Otherwise the opponent gets a turn to play.


Fouls can cost you either your turn or result in ending the game altogether. If you pocket your opponent’s ball or you do not touch your ball and/or touch the wrong one instead, you pocket the cue ball is a foul; this will result in loss of turn. If you pocket the 8-ball before pocketing all your balls the game ends.


Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball Tournament

Game End & Winning : The aim is to pocket all the assigned balls then followed by the 8-ball before your opponent does so. The game also ends if one of the players pockets the 8-ball before pocketing all the other object balls.

Game Preview

Tips & Tricks

Am I Stripes Or Solids Pigeon Game 8 Ball Game

  • Breaking: Try to have a good first hit and spread the balls nicely
  • Accuracy is the key in every hit
  • Be Careful of the cue direction after hitting a ball. If you pocket a cue ball, you give your opponent a ball in hand.
  • Use force control judiciously to control how hard you hit the balls.
  • Use spin whenever required.
  • Selection of Battle room as per you skill level is required to increase your chances of winning.

Now that you know how to play this game of 8 ball, will you be able to adeptly direct the cue ball like a professional? Don’t forget to download the MPL pro app to ace the game of pool and win cash and tokens by crushing your fellow players. Also, do not forget to create that shortcut for your favorite game on your home screen.

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